Appendix A

HTML Reference/MSIE Extensions


This appendix is a reference to the HTML tags you can use in your documents. Unless otherwise noted, all of the tags listed here are supported by both Microsoft Explorer 3.0 and Netscape Navigator 3.0. Note that some other browsers do not support all the tags listed, and some of the tags listed as (MS) may also be supported in the final shipping version of Netscape 3.0.

The proposed HTML style sheet specification is also not covered here. Refer to the Netscape ( or Microsoft ( Web sites for details on this and other late-breaking changes to the new HTML 3.2 standard.


These tags are used to create a basic HTML page with text, headings, and lists. An (MS) beside the attribute indicates Microsoft.


<!-- ... --> Creates a comment. Can also be used to hide JavaScript from browsers that do not support it.
<COMMENT>...</COMMENT> The new official way of specifying comments.

Structure Tags

<HTML>...</HTML> Encloses the entire HTML document.
<HEAD>...</HEAD> Encloses the head of the HTML document.
<BODY>...</BODY> Encloses the body (text and tags) of the HTML document.
BACKGROUND="..." The name or URL of the image to tile on the page background.
BGCOLOR="..." The color of the page background.
TEXT="..." The color of the page's text.
LINK="..." The color of unfollowed links.
ALINK="..." The color of activated links.
VLINK="..." The color of followed links.
BGPROPERTIES="..."(MS) Properties of background image. Currently allows only the value FIXED, which prevents the background image from scrolling.
TOPMARGIN="..."(MS) Top margin of the page, in pixels.
BOTTOMMARGIN="..."(MS) Bottom margin of the page, in pixels.

<BASE> Indicates the full URL of the current document. This optional tag is used within <HEAD>.
HREF="..." The full URL of this document.

<ISINDEX> Indicates that this document is a gateway script that allows searches.
PROMPT="..." The prompt for the search field.
ACTION="..." Gateway program to which the search string should be passed.

<LINK> Indicates a link between this document and some other document. Generally used only by HTML-generating tools. <LINK> represents a link from this entire document to another, as opposed to <A>, which can create multiple links in the document. Not commonly used.
HREF="..." The URL of the document to call when the link is activated.
NAME="..." If the document is to be considered an anchor, the name of that anchor.
REL="..." The relationship between the linked-to document and the current document; for example, "TOC" or "Glossary".
REV="..." A reverse relationship between the current document and the linked-to document.
URN="..." A Uniform Resource Number (URN), a unique identifier different from the URL in HREF.
TITLE="..." The title of the linked-to document.
METHODS="..." The method with which the document is to be retrieved; for example, FTP, Gopher, and so on.

<META> Indicates meta-information about this document (information about the document itself); for example, keywords for search engines, special HTTP headers to be used for retrieving this document, expiration date, and so on. Meta-information is usually in a key/value pair form. Used in the document <HEAD>.
HTTP-EQUIV="..." Creates a new HTTP header field with the same name as the attribute's value; for example, HTTP-EQUIV="Expires". The value of that header is specified by the CONTENT attribute.
NAME="..." If meta data is usually in the form of key/value pairs, NAME indicates the key; for example, Author or ID.
CONTENT="..." The content of the key/value pair (or of the HTTP header indicated by HTTP-EQUIV).

<NEXTID> Indicates the "next" document to this one (as might be defined by a tool to manage HTML documents in series). <NEXTID> is considered obsolete.

Headings and Title

<H1>...</H1> A first-level heading.
<H2>...</H2> A second-level heading.
<H3>...</H3> A third-level heading.
<H4>...</H4> A fourth-level heading.
<H5>...</H5> A fifth-level heading.
<H6>...</H6> A sixth-level heading.
<TITLE>...</TITLE> Indicates the title of the document. Used within <HEAD>.
All heading tags accept the following attribute:
ALIGN="..." Possible values are CENTER, LEFT, and RIGHT.

Paragraphs and Regions

<P>...</P> A plain paragraph. The closing tag (</P>) is optional.
ALIGN="..." Align text to CENTER, LEFT, or RIGHT.

<DIV>...</DIV> A region of text to be formatted.
ALIGN="..." Align text to CENTER, LEFT, or RIGHT.


<A>...</A> With the HREF attribute, this creates a link to another document or anchor; with the NAME attribute, it creates an anchor that can be linked to.
HREF="..." The URL of the document to be called when the link is activated.
NAME="..." The name of the anchor.
REL="..." The relationship between the linked-to document and the current document; for example, "TOC" or "Glossary" (not commonly used).
REV="..." A reverse relationship between the current document and the linked-to document (not commonly used).
URN="..." A Uniform Resource Number (URN), a unique identifier different from the URL in HREF (not commonly used).
TITLE="..." The title of the linked-to document (not commonly used).
METHODS="..." The method with which the document is to be retrieved; for example, FTP, Gopher, and so on (not commonly used).
TARGET="..." The name of a frame in which the linked document should appear.


<OL>...</OL> An ordered (numbered) list.
TYPE="..." The type of numerals to label the list. Possible values are A, a, I, i, 1.
START="..." The value with which to start this list.

<UL>...</UL> An unordered (bulleted) list.
TYPE="..." The bullet dingbat to use to mark list items. Possible values are DISC, CIRCLE (or ROUND), and SQUARE.

<MENU>...</MENU> A menu list of items.
<DIR>...</DIR> A directory listing; items are generally smaller than 20 characters.
<LI> A list item for use with <OL>, <UL>, <MENU>, or <DIR>.
TYPE="..." The type of bullet or number to label this item with. Possible values are DISC, CIRCLE (or ROUND), SQUARE, A, a, I, i, 1.
VALUE="..." The numeric value this list item should have (affects this item and all below it in <OL> lists).

<DL>...</DL> A definition or glossary list.
COMPACT The COMPACT attribute specifies a formatting that takes less whitespace to present.

<DT> A definition term, as part of a definition list.
<DD> The corresponding definition to a definition term, as part of a definition list.

Character Formatting

<EM>...</EM> Emphasis (usually italic).
<STRONG>...</STRONG> Stronger emphasis (usually bold).
<CODE>...</CODE> Code sample (usually Courier).
<KBD>...</KBD> Text to be typed (usually Courier).
<VAR>...</VAR> A variable or placeholder for some other value.
<SAMP>...</SAMP> Sample text (seldom used).
<DFN>...<DFN> A definition of a term.
<CITE>...</CITE> A citation.
<B>...</B> Boldface text.
<I>...</I> Italic text.
<TT>...</TT> Typewriter (monospaced) font.
<PRE>...</PRE> Preformatted text (exact line endings and spacing will be preserved-usually rendered in a monospaced font).
<BIG>...</BIG> Text is slightly larger than normal.
<SMALL>...</SMALL> Text is slightly smaller than normal.
<SUB>...</SUB> Subscript.
<SUP>...</SUP> Superscript.
<STRIKE>...</STRIKE> Puts a strikethrough line in the text.

Other Elements

<HR> A horizontal rule line.
SIZE="..." The thickness of the rule, in pixels.
WIDTH="..." The width of the rule, in pixels or as a percentage of the document width.
ALIGN="..." How the rule line will be aligned on the page. Possible values are LEFT, RIGHT, and CENTER.
NOSHADE Causes the rule line to be drawn as a solid line instead of a transparent bevel.
COLOR="..." (MS) Color of the horizontal rule.

<BR> A line break.
CLEAR="..." Causes the text to stop flowing around any images. Possible values are RIGHT, LEFT, and ALL.

<NOBR>...</NOBR> Causes the enclosed text not to wrap at the edge of the page.
<WBR> Wraps the text at this point only if necessary.
Used for long quotes or citations.
<ADDRESS>...</ADDRESS> Used for signatures or general information about a document's author.
<CENTER>...</CENTER> Centers text or images.
<BLINK>...</BLINK> Causes the enclosed text to blink irritatingly.
<FONT>...</FONT> Changes the size of the font for the enclosed text.
SIZE="..." The size of the font, from 1 to 7. Default is 3. Can also be specified as a value relative to the current size; for example, +2.
COLOR="..." Changes the color of the text.
FACE="..." (MS) Name of font to use if it can be found on the user's system. Multiple font names can be separated by commas, and the first font on the list that can be found will be used.

<BASEFONT> Sets the default size of the font for the current page.
SIZE="..." The default size of the font, from 1 to 7. Default is 3.

Images, Sounds, and Embedded Media

<IMG> Inserts an inline image into the document.
ISMAP This image is a clickable image map.
SRC="..." The URL of the image.
ALT="..." A text string that will be displayed in browsers that cannot support images.
ALIGN="..." Determines the alignment of the given image. If LEFT or RIGHT (N), the image is aligned to the left or right column, and all following text flows beside that image. All other values such as TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, or the Netscape-only TEXTTOP, ABSMIDDLE, BASELINE, and ABSBOTTOM determine the vertical alignment of this image with other items in the same line.
VSPACE="..." The space between the image and the text above or below it.
HSPACE="..." The space between the image and the text to its left or right.
WIDTH="..." The width, in pixels, of the image. If WIDTH is not the actual width, the image is scaled to fit.
HEIGHT="..." The height, in pixels, of the image. If HEIGHT is not the actual height, the image is scaled to fit.
BORDER="..." Draws a border of the specified value in pixels to be drawn around the image. In the case of images that are also links, BORDER changes the size of the default link border.
LOWSRC="..." The path or URL of an image that will be loaded first, before the image specified in SRC. The value of LOWSRC is usually a smaller or lower resolution version of the actual image.
USEMAP="..." The name of an image map specification for client-side image mapping. Used with <MAP> and <AREA>.
DYNSRC="..." (MS) The address of a video clip or VRML world (dynamic source).
CONTROLS (MS) Used with DYNSRC to display a set of playback controls for inline video.
LOOP="..." (MS) The number of times a video clip will loop. (-1 or INFINITE means to loop indefinitely.)
START="..." (MS) When a DYNSRC video clip should start playing. Valid options are FILEOPEN (play when page is displayed) or MOUSEOVER (play when mouse cursor passes over the video clip).

<BGSOUND> (MS) Plays a sound file as soon as the page is displayed.
SRC="..." The URL of the WAV, AU, or MIDI sound file to embed.
LOOP="..." (MS) The number of times a video clip will loop. (-1 or INFINITE means to loop indefinitely.)

The full syntax for the <OBJECT> tag is not yet completely finalized. Check and for the latest attributes supported by the HTML 3.2 standard and implemented in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

<OBJECT> (MS) Inserts an image, video, Java applet, or ActiveX OLE control into a document.
<EMBED> (Netscape only!) Embeds a file to be read or displayed by a plug-in application.
SRC="..." The URL of the file to embed.
WIDTH="..." The width of the embedded object, in pixels.
HEIGHT="..." The height of the embedded object, in pixels.
ALIGN="..." Determines the alignment of the media window. Values are the same as for the <IMG> tag.
VSPACE="..." The space between the media and the text above or below it.
HSPACE="..." The space between the media and the text to its left or right.
BORDER="..." Draws a border of the specified size in pixels to be drawn around the media.

In addition to the following standard attributes, you can specify applet-specific attributes to be interpreted by the plug-in that displays the embedded object.

<NOEMBED>...</NOEMBED> (N) Alternate text or images to be shown to users who do not have a plug-in installed.
<OBJECT> (MS) Inserts an embedded program, control, or other object. (This tag was under revision when this book was printed.)
<MAP>...</MAP> A client-side image map, referenced by <IMG USEMAP="...">. Includes one or more <AREA> tags.
<AREA> Defines a clickable link within a client-side image map.
SHAPE="..." The shape of the clickable area. Currently, only RECT is supported.
COORDS="..." The left, top, right, and bottom coordinates of the clickable region within an image.
HREF="..." The URL that should be loaded when the area is clicked.
NOHREF Indicates that no action should be taken when this area of the image is clicked.


<FORM>...</FORM> Indicates an input form.
ACTION="..." The URL of the script to process this form input.
METHOD="..." How the form input will be sent to the gateway on the server side. Possible values are GET and POST.
EncTYPE="..." Normally has the value application/x-www-form-urlencoded. For file uploads, use multipart/form-data.
NAME="..." A name by which JavaScript scripts can refer to the form.

<INPUT> An input element for a form.
TYPE="..." The type for this input widget. Possible values are chECKBOX, HIDDEN, RADIO, RESET, SUBMIT, TEXT, SEND FILE, or IMAGE.
NAME="..." The name of this item, as passed to the gateway script as part of a name/value pair.
VALUE="..." For a text or hidden widget, the default value; for a check box or radio button, the value to be submitted with the form; for Reset or Submit buttons, the label for the button itself.
SRC="..." The source file for an image.
chECKED For check boxes and radio buttons, indicates that the widget is checked.
SIZE="..." The size, in characters, of a text widget.
MAXLENGTH="..." The maximum number of characters that can be entered into a text widget.
ALIGN="..." For images in forms, determines how the text and image will align (same as with the <IMG> tag).

<TEXTAREA>...</TEXTAREA> Indicates a multiline text entry form element. Default text can be included.
NAME="..." The name to be passed to the gateway script as part of the name/value pair.
ROWS="..." The number of rows this text area displays.
COLS="..." The number of columns (characters) this text area displays.
WRAP="..." (N) Control text wrapping. Possible values are OFF, VIRTUAL, and PHYSICAL.

<SELECT>...</SELECT> Creates a menu or scrolling list of possible items.
NAME="..." The name that is passed to the gateway script as part of the name/value pair.
SIZE="..." The number of elements to display. If SIZE is indicated, the selection becomes a scrolling list. If no SIZE is given, the selection is a pop-up menu.
MULTIPLE Allows multiple selections from the list.

<OPTION> Indicates a possible item within a <SELECT> element.
SELECTED With this attribute included, the <OPTION> will be selected by default in the list.
VALUE="..." The value to submit if this <OPTION> is selected when the form is submitted.


<TABLE>...</TABLE> Creates a table that can contain a caption (<CAPTION>) and any number of rows (<TR>).
BORDER="..." Indicates whether the table should be drawn with or without a border. In Netscape, BORDER can also have a value indicating the width of the border.
CELLSPACING="..." The amount of space between the cells in the table.
CELLPADDING="..." The amount of space between the edges of the cell and its contents.
WIDTH="..." The width of the table on the page, in either exact pixel values or as a percentage of page width.
ALIGN="..." (MS) Alignment (works like IMG ALIGN). Values are LEFT or RIGHT.
BACKGROUND="..." (MS) Background image to tile within all cells in the table that do not contain their own BACKGROUND or BGCOLOR attribute.
BGCOLOR="..." (MS) Background color of all cells in the table that do not contain their own BACKGROUND or BGCOLOR attribute.
BORDERCOLOR="..." (MS) Border color (used with BORDER="...").
BORDERCOLORLIGHT="..." (MS) Color for light part of 3D-look borders (used with BORDER="...").
BORDERCOLORDARK="..." (MS) Color for dark part of 3D-look borders (used
VALIGN="..." (MS) Alignment of text within the table. Values are TOP and BOTTOM.
FRAME="..." (MS) Controls which external borders will appear around a table. Values are "void" (no frames), "above" (top border only), "below" (bottom border only), "hsides" (top and bottom), "lhs" (left side), "rhs" (right side), "vsides" (left and right sides), and "box" (all sides).
RULES="..." (MS) Controls which internal borders appear in the table. Values are "none", "basic" (rules between THEAD, TBODY, and TFOOT only), "rows" (horizontal borders only), "cols" (vertical borders only), and "all".

<CAPTION>...</CAPTION> The caption for the table.
ALIGN="..." The position of the caption. Possible values are TOP and BOTTOM.

<TR>...</TR> Defines a table row, containing headings and data (<TR> and <TH> tags).
ALIGN="..." The horizontal alignment of the contents of the cells within this row. Possible values are LEFT, RIGHT, and CENTER.
VALIGN="..." The vertical alignment of the contents of the cells within this row. Possible values are TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, and BASELINE.
BACKGROUND="..."(MS) Background image to tile within all cells in the row that do not contain their own BACKGROUND or BGCOLOR attributes.
BGCOLOR="..." Background color of all cells in the row that do not contain their own BACKGROUND or BGCOLOR attributes.
BORDERCOLOR="..."(MS) Border color (used with BORDER="...").
BORDERCOLORLIGHT="..." (MS) Color for light part of 3D-look borders (used with BORDER="...").
BORDERCOLORDARK="..." (MS) Color for dark part of 3D-look borders (used with BORDER="...").

<TH>...</TH> Defines a table heading cell.
ALIGN="..." The horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values are LEFT, RIGHT, and CENTER.
VALIGN="..." The vertical alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values are TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, and BASELINE.
ROWSPAN="..." The number of rows this cell will span.
COLSPAN="..." The number of columns this cell will span.
NOWRAP Does not automatically wrap the contents of this cell.
WIDTH="..." The width of this column of cells, in exact pixel values or as a percentage of the table width.
BACKGROUND="..." (MS) Background image to tile within the cell.
BGCOLOR="..." (MS) Background color of the cell.
BORDERCOLOR="..." (MS) Border color (used with BORDER="...").
BORDERCOLORLIGHT="..." (MS) Color for light part of 3D-look borders (used with BORDER="...").
BORDERCOLORDARK="..." (MS) Color for dark part of 3D-look borders (used with BORDER="...").

<TD>...</TD> Defines a table data cell.
ALIGN="..." The horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values are LEFT, RIGHT, and CENTER.
VALIGN="..." The vertical alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values are TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, and BASELINE.
ROWSPAN="..." The number of rows this cell will span.
COLSPAN="..." The number of columns this cell will span.
NOWRAP Does not automatically wrap the contents of this cell.
WIDTH="..." The width of this column of cells, in exact pixel values or as a percentage of the table width.
BACKGROUND="..." (MS) Background image to tile within the cell.
BGCOLOR="..." (MS) Background color of the cell.
BORDERCOLOR="..." (MS) Border color (used with BORDER="...").
BORDERCOLORLIGHT="..."(MS) Color for light part of 3D-look borders (used with BORDER="...").
BORDERCOLORDARK="..." (MS) Color for dark part of 3D-look borders (used with BORDER="...").

<THEAD> (MS) Begins the header section of a table. The closing </THEAD> tag is optional.
<TBODY> (MS) Begins the body section of a table. The closing </TBODY> tag is optional.
<TFOOT> (MS) Begins the footer section of a table. The closing </TFOOT> tag is optional.
<COL>...</COL> (MS) Sets width and alignment properties for one or more columns.
WIDTH="..." Width of column(s) in pixels or relative width followed by a * ("2*" columns will be twice as wide as "1*" columns, for example).
ALIGN="..." Text alignment within the column(s). Valid values are "center", "justify", "left", and "right".
SPAN="..." Number of columns to which the properties specified in this <COL> tag apply.

<COLGROUP>...</COLGROUP> Sets properties of a group of columns all at once (should enclose one or more <COL> tags).
ALIGN="..." Text alignment within the columns. Valid values are "center", "justify", "left", and "right".
VALIGN="..." Vertical alignment of text within the columns. Valid values are "baseline", "bottom", "middle", and "top".


<FRAMESET>...</FRAMESET> Divides the main window into a set of frames that can each display a separate document.
ROWS="..." Splits the window or frameset vertically into a number of rows specified by a number (such as 7), a percentage of the total window width (such as 25%), or as an asterisk (*) indicating that a frame should take up all the remaining space or divide the space evenly between frames (if multiple * frames are specified).
COLS="..." Works similar to ROWS, except that the window or frameset is split horizontally into columns.

<FRAME> Defines a single frame within a <FRAMESET>.
SRC="..." The URL of the document to be displayed in this frame.
NAME="..." A name to be used for targeting this frame with the TARGET attribute in <A HREF> links.
<MARGINWIDTH> The amount of space to leave to the left and right side of a document within a frame, in pixels.
<MARGINHEIGHT> The amount of space to leave above and below a document within a frame, in pixels.
SCROLLING="..." Determines whether a frame has scrollbars. Possible values are YES, NO, and AUTO.
NORESIZE Prevents the user from resizing this frame (and possibly adjacent frames) with the mouse.
FRAMEBORDER="..." (MS) Specifies whether to display a border for a frame. Options are YES and NO.
FRAMESPACING="..." (MS) Space between frames, in pixels.

</NOFRAME>...</NOFRAMES> Provides an alternative document body in <FRAMESET> documents for browsers that do not support frames (usually encloses <BODY>...</BODY>).

Scripting and Applets

Inserts a self-running Java applet.
CLASS="..." The name of the applet.
SRC="..." The URL of the directory where the compiled applet can be found (should end in a slash / as in "http://mysite/myapplets/"). Do not include the actual applet name, which is specified with the CLASS attribute.
ALIGN="..." Indicates how the applet should be aligned with any text that follows it. Current values are TOP, MIDDLE, and BOTTOM.
WIDTH="..." The width of the applet output area, in pixels.
HEIGHT="..." The height of the applet output area, in pixels.

In addition to the following standard attributes, you can specify applet-specific attributes to be interpreted by the Java applet itself.

<SCRIPT> An interpreted script program.
LANGUAGE="..." Currently only JAVASCRIPT is supported by Netscape. Both JAVASCRIPT and VBSCRIPT are supported by Microsoft.
SRC="..." Specifies the URL of a file that includes the script program.


<MARQUEE>...</MARQUEE> (MS) Displays text in a scrolling marquee.
WIDTH="..." The width of the embedded object in pixels or percentage of window width.
HEIGHT="..." The height of the embedded object in pixels or percentage of window height.
ALIGN="..." Determines the alignment of the text outside the marquee. Values are TOP, MIDDLE, and BOTTOM.
BORDER="..." Draws a border of the specified size in pixels to be drawn around the media.
BEHAVIOR="..." How the text inside the marquee should behave. Options are SCROLL (continuous scrolling), SLIDE (slide text in and stop), and ALTERNATE (bounce back and forth).
BGCOLOR="..." Background color for the marquee.
DIRECTION="..." Direction for text to scroll (LEFT or RIGHT).
VSPACE="..." Space above and below the marquee, in pixels.
HSPACE="..." Space on each side of the marquee, in pixels.
SCROLLAMOUNT="..." Number of pixels to move each time text in the marquee is redrawn.
SCROLLDELAY="..." Number of milliseconds between each redraw of marquee text.
LOOP="..." (MS) The number of times marquee will loop. (-1 or INFINITE means to loop indefinitely.)

Character Entities

Table A.1 contains the possible numeric and character entities for the ISO-Latin-1 (ISO8859-1) character set. Where possible, the character is shown.

Not all browsers can display all characters, and some browsers may even display characters different from those that appear in the table. Newer browsers seem to have a better track record for handling character entities, but be sure to test your HTML files extensively with multiple browsers if you intend to use these entities.

Table A.1. ISO-Latin-1 character set.

Numeric Entity
Character Entity
Horizontal tab
Line feed
&#11; &#31;
Exclamation mark
Quotation mark
Number sign
Dollar sign
Percent sign
Left parenthesis
Right parenthesis
Plus sign
Period (fullstop)
Solidus (slash)
&#48; &#57;
Digits 0-9
Less than
Equals sign
Greater than
Question mark
Commercial "at"
Letters A-Z
Left square bracket
Reverse solidus (backslash)
Right square bracket
Horizontal bar
Grave accent
&#97; &#122;
Letters a-z
Left curly brace
Vertical bar
Right curly brace
&#127; &#160;
Inverted exclamation
Cent sign
Pound sterling
General currency sign
Yen sign
&brvbar; or brkbar;
Broken vertical bar
Section sign
Umlaut (dieresis)
Feminine ordinal
Left angle quote, guillemot left
Not sign
Soft hyphen
Registered trademark
Macron accent
Degree sign
Plus or minus
Superscript two
Superscript three
Acute accent
Micro sign
Paragraph sign
Middle dot
Superscript one
Masculine ordinal
Right angle quote, guillemot right
Fraction one-fourth
Fraction one-half
Fraction three-fourths
Inverted question mark
Capital A, grave accent
Capital A, acute accent
Capital A, circumflex accent
Capital A, tilde
Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
Capital A, ring
Capital AE diphthong (ligature)
Capital C, cedilla
Capital E, grave accent
Capital E, acute accent
Capital E, circumflex accent
Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
Capital I, grave accent
Capital I, acute accent
Capital I, circumflex accent
Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
Capital Eth, Icelandic
Capital N, tilde
Capital O, grave accent
Capital O, acute accent
Capital O, circumflex accent
Capital O, tilde
Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
Multiply sign
Capital O, slash
Capital U, grave accent
Capital U, acute accent
Capital U, circumflex accent
Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
Capital Y, acute accent
Capital THORN, Icelandic
Small sharp s, German (szligature)
Small a, grave accent
Small a, acute accent
Small a, circumflex accent
Small a, tilde
Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
Small a, ring
Small ae diphthong (ligature)
Small c, cedilla
Small e, grave accent
Small e, acute accent
Small e, circumflex accent
Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
Small i, grave accent
Small i, acute accent
Small i, circumflex accent
Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
Small eth, Icelandic
Small n, tilde
Small o, grave accent
Small o, acute accent
Small o, circumflex accent
Small o, tilde
Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
Division sign
Small o, slash
Small u, grave accent
Small u, acute accent
Small u, circumflex accent
Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
Small y, acute accent
Small thorn, Icelandic
Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark